How to Clean Oven Glass: Melt oven glass stains in minutes without cleaning | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] Oven door glass is built to withstand high temperatures and allows people to easily see how their food is doing – unfortunately, over time, this window can collect dirt and grease stains, rendering it all but useless. While it’s tempting to work around a small stain, it bakes onto the glass after each use, … Read more

Apple’s glass supplier Corning warns that sales of smartphones and tablets have fallen | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] When heated to high temperatures and then cooled, the new chemical composition can change the behavior of the glass. For Gorilla Glass, Corning narrows the number of compositions down to a few dozen, melts more, then selects two or three candidates for testing. It can take anywhere from one to three years of testing … Read more