Best tablet deals: Save $79 on the latest iPad Air, $361 on the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 and more | Tech Reddy

Best tablet deals: Save  on the latest iPad Air, 1 on the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 and more

 | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] A tablet is a great choice for people who don’t want to carry around a laptop but need a bigger screen than a regular smartphone. There are many tablets on the market and some stand out from the rest. Apple’s iPad usually dominates the tablet market, so it’s understandable that many people are looking … Read more

Holiday campaigns begin in government liquor stores | Tech Reddy

Holiday campaigns begin in government liquor stores

 | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] BC Liquor Stores are kicking off the holiday season this weekend and are “sprinkling the spirit” with three new initiatives. BCL is launching its seasonal food bank fundraising campaign, the Share-a-Bear program, and a release of premium spirits at select locations – including the Pitt Meadows store at Meadowtown Shopping Center. With December’s Share-a-Bear … Read more

New evidence confirms pressure for government change in Cuba | Tech Reddy

New evidence confirms pressure for government change in Cuba

 | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] The training of political agents abroad in the courses organized by the specialists of the Open Society and the National Endowment for Democracy, related to the destabilizing actions against the Caribbean nation, stands out among the main elements disclosed . A television report showed on Tuesday new evidence about the lack of spontaneity and … Read more

Neglect of Pondicherry Govt – Broken Dam..? | Tech Reddy

Neglect of Pondicherry Govt – Broken Dam..?

 | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] There is a break in the middle of the grip, and the grip of the bed is already broken. The public holds the government accountable for the greater risk of dam failure. During the French rule, a bed dam was constructed across the Sankarabharani River between Pondicherry and Sellippattu-Pillaiyarkuppam in 1906. In 2016, heavy … Read more