Instagram threat against Hughes Middle School appears to be untrue, LBPD says • Long Beach Post News | Tech Reddy


At this time, the threat is not believed, according to Long Beach Police Department spokesman Brandon Fahey, who said officers received a report of the threat Saturday afternoon.

“We will continue to work with LBUSD staff to ensure the safety of all Long Beach schools,” Fahey said.

Police and school officials did not say exactly what the threat was about. Hughes Middle School Principal Edward Steinhauser said in an email to families that they created anonymity on an Instagram account.

“There is little information about the threat, no defined targets, tactics or plans,” Steinhauser said in an email. “I have been in contact with School Safety regarding this and they are still monitoring for further information.”

Steinhauser added that school security officers—LBUSD’s armed security force—will be on campus Monday as a precaution.

Authorities learned of the threat when someone posted it to LBUSD’s new anonymous reporting system called Say Something, which launched in October.

The system is part of a youth violence prevention program funded by the Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit that provides the program and training for free.

There are ways for people to report behavior such as school bullying they have seen or heard, personal problems including suicide, self-harm, abuse, bullying and the darkness.

LBUSD launches anonymous reporting system for safety concerns


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