Tim Malcolm reveals girlfriend on Instagram | Tech Reddy
90 Day Engagement Tim Malcolm reveals his girlfriend on Instagram. Her name is Linda Ramirez, and she sings her praises. People know him well from his relationship with Veronica Rodriguez, which continued without marriage. It was also during this time that many people talked about his sexual desires. But we need to point out the details. Those kinds of things can take on a life of their own online these days. Is she a feminist? Does that mean he’s gay? Absolutely not.
Now Malcolm has stepped up and shown the world not only justice but love. Hey, we respect each other, bro. Some say they think it might be dating, but that’s not the place to speculate. Hopefully, he didn’t have to do this. He’s very happy, though, and that’s good.
Tim Malcolm’s 90-day engagement reveals his girlfriend on Instagram
Via Screenrant:
Veronica is in now 90 Days: The Single Life season 3 looking for love and really falling, especially when it comes to a guy named Justin, who seems nice but he lied to her to sleep with her. Fans found out about Veronica and Tim’s marriage in episode 10. However, it seems that the couple didn’t have to do that since the owner of Gringo Guns is not living together. Tim also posted an Instagram Reel from Linda’s social media page on his Instagram Stories. He then added some text to it, saying, “I don’t say much but I miss @linda_ramirez in my life.“According to Tim, his girlfriend Linda didn’t pick him up but she helped him”smile for 3 years,“he meant”only thing” which heals the soul of man.
90 Day Engagement Tim Malcolm reveals his girlfriend on Instagram. After all, it’s the homophobic comments that seem to follow him. At the same time, he could not post a photo with a girl he was close to in one EXERCISE to the squash that talked about? No, we’re just doing that sad Journalism thing. That kind of thing nobody likes writers.
She’s beautiful and she seems happy, so this ends with a resounding yes!
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