No, climate change is not driven by solar activity or moon phases | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] It is widely believed in the scientific community that human activities are driving global climate change, but a video shared on Instagram on November 13th shows what are known to be confusing claims. people are not wrong. In the video, Piers Corbyn, an astrophysicist, said the heat waves are caused by “some circulation patterns” … Read more

John Kerry did not speak at the climate conference about eliminating the middle class | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] At the United Nations COP27 conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, John Kerry, the US presidential special envoy for climate, spoke about the need for private companies and governments to work together to addressing climate change. An Instagram post has interpreted his comments as an attack on capitalism and the middle class. One person posted … Read more

Biden saying ‘there is no climate problem’ is a joke, not that climate change is real. | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] A video circulating on social media purports to show that President Joe Biden called climate change a non-issue while speaking to a crowd at a tech company in California. The text above the recording, shared on Instagram November 15, reads, “Joe lets his inner voice out again,” suggesting that Biden has accepted his honest … Read more

Activists smash tablets on ‘Mount Sinai’ to launch faith-based climate push | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] JEBEL MUSA, Egypt – An initiative to mobilize religious leaders around the world to push governments to take more action on climate change, an Israeli environmental activist tore down artificial stone slabs on top of what is believed to be Mount Sinai, an Egyptian peak, on Sunday morning. a world that cannot protect the … Read more

Activists smash tablets on ‘Mount Sinai’ to launch faith-based climate push | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] JEBEL MUSA, Egypt – An initiative to mobilize religious leaders around the world to push governments to take more action on climate change, an Israeli environmental activist tore down artificial stone slabs on top of what is believed to be Mount Sinai, an Egyptian peak, on Sunday morning. a world that cannot protect the … Read more

In line with the original position of the Hungarian government, the EP rejects the climate tax proposal | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] In a surprise vote, the majority of members of the European Parliament rejected on Wednesday proposals to extend the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), introduce a carbon tax and create a social climate fund. MEPs rejected the proposal on the extension and revision of the Emissions Trading System, drafted by Peter Liese of the … Read more