Help! My employer blocked me on Instagram | Tech Reddy


Dear colleagues,

Then I found out that my co-worker blocked me on Instagram but followed me on LinkedIn. I think I get it, but should I have a better idea?

It has been banned


Forbidden love,

Here’s one thing I’m very adamant about: With very few exceptions, employers should not follow their employees on personal social media. If you have heard that gifts in a professional setting should flow down the organizational ladder, on social media, especially Instagram and Facebook, it will be the other way around.

If you are wondering what platforms are fair game, first stick to the ones that are used for professional reasons, like LinkedIn and perhaps Twitter. For other platforms, such as Snap and TikTok, it’s best to leave your employees unfollowed if they don’t bring it up.

When you’re working in an industry where promoting your work on social media is standard practice, the line between personal and professional can become very blurred. One minute you’re posting an Instagram story about a cool project your team worked on; later, a video from the concert where you danced at the end of the night.

That’s fine and dandy — until your manager sees that concert report from Sunday night on Monday morning and they’ll see that it’s looking a lot darker and slower than before. Now they’re wondering if your active social media presence is impacting your product in a way they probably wouldn’t have if they hadn’t seen your Instagram.

No matter how good your boss is or how cool you are, there’s always the fear of being judged negatively based on something you posted on social media. Is that correct? No. How many hip owners can decide between personal and professional? Yes. But what do you think?

The cost of having one person to add to your follower count doesn’t come close to being more burdensome than professional migration. Blocking may seem like a bad idea to make sure your boss’s eyes don’t fall on your posts, but short of building your entire portfolio, it’s the best thing most of us can do.

So why doesn’t this apply to LinkedIn? Although it may seem personal, it is still a professional network. You can add your employees, your bosses, your best friends and the people you sent the same email five years ago – it’s all good.

Even if your coworker has blocked you on Instagram, adding you on LinkedIn shows that they’re not trying to burn bridges. They are just trying to draw some healthy boundaries.

Work it Out is Make It’s revived advice column for employment-conundrums. Have a job concern or question? Email me anonymously at [email protected]. Delivery can be adjusted for length and month.


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