Google famously ditched tablet hardware after the spectacular flop that was the 2018 Pixel Slate. Recently, it has shown renewed interest in the form factor, but with it running on Android 12L, a version of the OS that aims to improve the big screen. Today, at Google I/O, we got a glimpse of what it’s all about: a brand new, Tensor-powered Google tablet.
Details are light — Google called the special preview an “early look” and said it will share more about the Pixel-branded device next year. The tablet “connects your life on the go and your life at home,” says Google—which sounds like what you’d expect from the Nest Hub-style detachable device we heard about earlier this spring. The tablet also featured white bezels around the I/O, giving it a Nest Hub look.
Aside from its initial success with the Nexus 7, Google has typically struggled to break into the tablet market, with products like the Nexus 10, Pixel C, and Pixel Slate failing to make a significant impact. Google’s peers haven’t been sitting idle in the company’s absence either — the new tablet faces stiff competition from the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ and iPad Air. Only time will tell if any of the smart home features we’ve come to expect from this new tablet will help it stand out from the pack — which Google is targeting for a 2023 release.