Katha Ankahee’s Hindi remake of the Turkish series One Thousand and One Nights, better known as Arabian Nights, will be launched soon on Sony TV. Sphere Origins, the production house that currently has Pandya Store running successfully on Star Plus, produced the show. The show will see Aditi Dev Sharma and Adnan Khan playing the lead. Sheen Dass has joined the story as a consistent lead.
Now we hear about child actor Azinkya Mishra playing an important role in the show. Azinkya was recently seen in TV shows Rakshabandhan .. Rasal Apne Bhai Ki Daal, Jai Hanuman Sankatmochan Naam Tiharo.
According to a reliable source, “Azinkya will play the leader’s son Katha in this new show.”
Katha Ankahee’s promo was engaging and received positive response. It will be interesting to see how this concept resonates with audiences.
We spoke to Azinkya but he did not respond.
We reached out to the Producer and spokesperson of the channel but did not hear back till we filed the story.
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