Traditions of Advent | Tech Reddy


Father Ed Dougherty, MM

This Sunday, November 27, is the beginning of Advent, the season of waiting for the coming of Christ. Many wonderful traditions around the world offer different ways to awaken this spirit of anticipation in ourselves, our families, and our communities.

St. Francis of Assisi initiated what has become one of the most famous traditions of Advent: the Nativity. After visiting the Holy Land, Francis decided to return to Italy and recreate the humble scene of Christ’s birth, so he asked and received permission from Pope Venerable III to celebrate the Nativity live in a cave near the village of Greccio. Nativity scenes have recently become a feature of Italian homes during Advent and today are one of the most universal ways people around the world prepare for Christmas.

In Poland, the old tradition is preserved every day during Advent in the dark, before sunrise, with the Rorati Mass, where worshipers carry torches and lanterns. It ends with the light of the sun after sunrise, signifying the birth of Christ. Fasting, a worldwide practice, is the dominant Advent commitment in India; and in Mexico, children participate in the march posada In it, they carry candles through the streets, feasts, songs and stories from the Bible depict Joseph and Mary’s search for a place to live in preparation for the birth of Christ.

It’s helpful to realize that many of the traditions we use today have roots that go back centuries, and that much of how we prepare for Christmas has to do with how we engage with those traditions. We’re all familiar with the over-commercialized criticism of Christmas, but gift-giving can be a wonderful way to celebrate Christ’s birthday if we don’t let materialism distract us.

Gift-giving is a tradition at Christmas, and the time we spend during Advent or trying to find that perfect gift for someone we love can be a great way to honor Christ. The key is to have the right attitude by focusing on the giving side of things without expecting anything in return.

The great story writer O. Henry depicted the beauty of gift giving at Christmas time in the film “The Gift of the Wizards”. In this story, a young married couple secretly betrays their love for each other in addition to their love for each other. A very valuable asset to buy gifts for each other. An ironic twist at the end of the story, when their gifts are rendered useless after the wealth they sold is gone, reveals only the true gift at the heart of their relationship—their selfless love for each other.

This story illustrates the true meaning of gift giving, which often preoccupies our minds during Advent. It will have that meaning in all our preparations for Christmas.

So let’s embrace the wonderful traditions of Advent by decorating our homes, even in simple ways like putting a wreath on the front door. This is the time to celebrate our birthplace and enjoy the daily anticipation of the Advent calendar.

In all of this, let’s not forget to sanctify the way we participate in these traditions by associating them in our minds and hearts with their ultimate purpose, to evoke a sense of wonder at this time of year. And so we truly prepare ourselves for this season of Advent to be transformed in anticipation of Christ’s coming.

Father Ed Dougherty is on the Board of Directors of the Christophers and a former Superior General of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.


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