The National confirms Sam Uffindell’s latest work after a member posted on Instagram | Tech Reddy


National MP Sam Uffindell. Photo / Mark Mitchell

By Giles Dexter of RNZ

Nationals MP Sam Uffindell appears to have looked to his party and leadership to announce his new budget.

In an Instagram Q and A on Wednesday evening, Uffindell announced that he is the group’s new spokesperson for research, science and innovation, and that he has also taken on the role of economy and regional development.

“It’s a clean, clear two-part fund, and I’m very happy to be there,” he said.

So even though there is no announcement from the party, his statement is still not on the National website.

The group usually sends out an announcement when certain funds have been distributed.

The Tauranga MP was not given any money before he resigned from council in August while allegations of past bullying were investigated.

Since Uffindell’s return in September, Nationals boss Christopher Luxon has refused to answer when he will get any work or what.

Luxon plans to update its MPs before the end of the year, confirming what funding they will receive in the general election.

Reached by RNZ, a National Party representative confirmed that Uffindell had been offered the job.

“The National website will be updated in due course. It is not related to the change of council,” they said.


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