The district administration has introduced a WhatsApp channel, Viru, which will help people to access information related to their various services and their complaint. People should look up the phone number 94884-00438 on their mobile phones and send a “hi” message to be connected to the service.
In a press release, Collector J. Meghanath Reddy said that people can use the new service to link their Aadhar number with their voter ID card and search for their names in the electoral rolls. Viru can be used to include their names in the list of voters and remove their names. Incorporating changes in names and addresses and obtaining a duplicate copy of the voter ID card can be done through the WhatsApp facility. The e-EPIC card can be downloaded.
People can access the Prime Minister’s Cell using Viru services. They can access Anytime, Anywhere Land records – such as patta, chitta, A-register. All the services to get certificates through the online mode are available in the new service. Also, people can get important contact numbers and announcements, scheme details. Viru will take users to the social media handles of the Government of Tamil Nadu and websites of various state government organizations. People can access these services by typing the English alphabet against the services in the list.