How your smartphone can help you with your health appointment | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] Scheduling and attending a health appointment can be time-consuming and stressful, but your smartphone or tablet can help. As pressure on NHS services increases, technology is increasingly being used to help ease the burden. So how can digital devices help? How many people are using technology in Tayside? If you want to date online, … Read more

Coptic Catholics in Brooklyn rejoice at the appointment of pastor “Monsieur.” | Tech Reddy

[ad_1] PARK SLOPE – High church leaders from Egypt joined a congregation at the resurgent Coptic Catholic Church on Nov. 5 to celebrate their pastor and ordain him as a monsignor. Reverend Francis Fayez, pastor of the church since 2013, received his new title in a solemn mass accompanied by chants, brass plates and shouts … Read more