Newsday TV’s ‘one-man shop’ creates comprehensive election coverage for video advertising | Tech Reddy


Like many publications, Long Island newspaper Newsday has expanded its digital footprint into video shows — and this year it’s focused on providing the 2022 election with a new look.

Also like many publications, Newsday is still in the process of trying and building its broadcast operations, which meant that Gregory Stevens, creative director of Newsday TV, was tasked with handling all the on-air graphics used by the organization. its video show that night.

This included aerial branding, coding Viz templates and Viz Pilot Edge, deciding how to shoot the existing set and designing all the animated elements traditionally used in TV election coverage.

Of course, election coverage tends to be very data-driven, so Stevens’ work was more detailed than creating unique looks with transitions, openings, hits, collisions and full screens.

While Newsday TV, which billed its report as “LI Votes 2022,” using regionally familiar language, focused on state and local races, it also delved into national races, so there was a real breadth of data to consider. because.


The final result is red, white and blue with a repeating star pattern background in two shades of light grey. The check mark is placed inside a red box with a check mark in the right box with a row of stars above and below.

Most of the looks are kept clean and simple, with a flat look. Depth is added to selected situations through the use of shadows and both red and blue diagonal elements are also included in the scene.

In addition, the asterisked background, the only repeating typeface was frequently used in the background, whether for the “LI Votes” symbol or for the erasers separating the Republican and Democratic parties, which were accompanied by the traditional donkey and elephant symbols with stars. .

Long Island’s own graphics and star and horizontal stripe accents are also found throughout the look.

In addition to election night coverage, the “LI Votes” look was also used at pre-election events including debates.

Creating a complete look for one of the most difficult graphics news events of the year can equip Stevens with a variety of skills that will serve him well as Newsday TV looks to expand its reach in 2023, with the possible addition of daily news, a. sports shows and digital video segments only.

The organization will also broadcast events from its studio, called Studio 2, which is where the discussions take place, according to Stevens.


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