MediaTek on Friday launched the Pentonic 1000, its latest flagship smart TV system-on-chip (SoC) designed for 4K, 120Hz displays. The chipset supports major video codecs and global TV broadcast standards on a single platform.
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The Pentonic 1000 combines Wi-Fi 6/6E support, video MEMC, an AI processor, Dolby Vision IQ with precise details, and an 8-screen Intelligent View so that users can watch or view streams. more content, the company said.
MediaTek Pentonic 1000 combines multi-core CPU, dual-core GPU, AI processing unit (APU) and video decoding engines in one chip. The chipset offers resolution support up to 4K at 120Hz and is capable of VRR up to 4K at 144Hz for gaming applications. It also claims a lag-free experience with Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM).
In addition to Precision View, MediaTek’s Intelligent View technology combined with Dolby imaging technology can run multiple Dolby Vision streams simultaneously.
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“We designed the MediaTek Pentonic 1000 specifically to handle today’s TV trends, including 4K streaming, cloud gaming, video conferencing and group viewing,” said Alex Chen, General Manager of MediaTek’s TV Business Unit.
“With support for 4K HDR content, 120Hz frame rates, MEMC, AI enhancements, Wi-Fi 6/6E connectivity and advanced codecs such as VVC, the Pentonic 1000 will deliver the ultimate experience in 4K,” he added.