Is BeReal better than Instagram? | Tech Reddy


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In 2022, many things happened, and among them, a new app was introduced to the human world: Be Seriousand thought that it could be seen as different from Instagram user. But, how does this social media work and why is it so popular now?

The application is simple: send one ad per day, and after the user clicks, they have two minutes to take a picture showing their activity. After that, the front and back camera of the mobile phone is activated and captures the moment, with the difference of seconds between each picture.

A person can take a photo multiple times before submitting it for good, and to some extent it fulfills the “authenticity” promised by the app. And it’s not mandatory to take something right away when you get the message, but the app will record how long it takes to take a picture.

Interaction between users occurs with a standard dialog. The main thing is that the reactions are similar to Facebook, but with the difference that they are images prepared by the user and, in some cases, one can see the repetition in the physiognomy and the signs of the reaction images. .


Instagram and BeReal a social network that facilitates relationships between groups.

Insta takes place in a commercial and planned space, and is famous for helping to relieve anxiety by comparing with the lives of others and creating a “good world”. The planning of the poles has been controversial in some countries, such as Brazil, where there is a regional influence, Bianca Andrade, held a meeting with his marketing team about the week’s news, especially news. This angered the public, as they realized that the developer’s work was artificial.

Arguably, BeReal opposes this concept of planning to attract, and its main feature is the element of surprise. Users do not know when they receive a message from the application. Anxiety arises, because there are times when people think: “I hope my BeReal cry!”to share something wonderful and wonderful from their lives with their friends.

Friends is a keyword of the app that focuses on closer relationships Insta. Although there is an option to share with everyone, the fun part is knowing what your friends and family are doing at any given time and reacting to it.

It is worth noting that in BeReal there is no option to “subscribe”, to see what others have posted you have to resubmit, otherwise it is better not to know the lives of others.

So… which one is better?

For a long time, Instagram has been a photo social network and BeReal as well, bringing the two media together. The second one plays on the true nature of the first one and takes part in the two’s side-by-side argument.

Well, in a way, they are. Insta has shifted to the commercial world and is gradually introducing the necessary measures to avoid falling into the old internet.

On the other hand, BeReal has chosen to apply to real relationships even though there are times when people say for the only photo of the day they take some until they get it and it appears on the map. The new app will improve the familiar Instagram by being a photo diary, by allowing you to share moments with those you like and close to you, by reminding and you are the repetition and the same part of the whole world and the “good world.” is something to dream about.

The above article was edited by Lorena Lindenberg. Like this type of content? Check out Her Campus Cásper Líbero page for more!


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