Greenwich’s pet ‘Dog Dad’ Instagram looks just like her | Tech Reddy
GREENWICH – Greenwich resident Topher Brophy is an active father of four – but two of his young family have dogs.
In his book “Dog Dad,” Brophy writes about his experience growing up, finding a sense of belonging, and discovering life with his dog, Rosenberg. He tells a rom-com-like story about meeting his wife Chantal Adair, known as @thedogstyler, and his two human children.
Brophy, Adair and Rosenberg, with 345,800 followers on Instagram between their accounts, are known for photos taken by Adair and Brophy and Rosenberg in matching outfits.
Brophy and Rosenberg provided the sands after the birth of the family’s first baby for photography. Adair set up the hospital room photo shoot, and a friend brought Rosenberg and the critters into the room shortly after the birth.
Throughout Brophy’s Instagram, she shares words of encouragement and lessons she’s learned about owning a dog. His book is an extension of the charitable and inspiring mission, he said: The proceeds from the sale of the book will help other animals.
“Our goal is to put things online that make people feel good, make them happier, pull at their heartstrings and help them access their love,” he said. “The reason for writing a book is to put it all into one story that tries to touch people and help people.”
He is donating all of his proceeds from the book to American Humane, which he chose for his high ranking as a charity and his efforts to help animals in Ukraine and in the wake of Hurricane Ian.
“It’s good to help others, that’s why we made the book. We wanted to help raise money for rescue and help people understand that animal companionship can save their lives,” he said.
In the book’s 242 pages, Brophy explores the lessons Rosenberg – to whom the book is dedicated – has brought into his life.
He describes learning to turn away from the tyranny he struggled with in his youth. Despite the broadcast journalist’s claim years ago, he said that Instagram photos are not a reflection of the ego; he just wanted to spread the word.
“The right use for good, for me, is the most important thing. I think we can use attention for good,” he said.
Brophy taps into the hope and struggles of everyday life in “Dog Dad” as he deals with pressures, such as preparing for the birth of a baby in the spring of 2020.
In the scenes described in the book, Rosenberg’s encouragement, or Adair’s, pulled him through tough times, he said.
He said he hopes others can find that peace.
“I want to help people and encourage them to make friends to help their mental health,” she said.
“I want to help people find rest and give us hope by giving into these magical, innocent, true, loving things.”
“Dog Dad: How Animals Bring Out the Best in Us and Can Help Save The World” was published on October 18.
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