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Dubai Bling The latest reality show to download Netflix by storm, fill the Sunset/Bling Empire sale a hole in our hearts. As expected, the series follows some of Dubai’s wealthiest and richest people – bringing excitement and, of course, all the drama.

The show arrived on Netflix last week, and we’ve been obsessed with the lives of the Dubai Bling throw However, if you’re like us, you know more about the features of this lottery behind the scenes.

So, here’s a look at everything Dubai Bling Add Instagrams to your following list now. You are welcome.

LJ Loujain Adada

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LJ’s Instagram is full of cute outfits and vacation photos. We would expect nothing less.

His Instagram handle is: @loujainaj

Zeina Khoury

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Zeina’s Insta sees her sharing pictures with her two children, Joe and Alexa, as well all the Chief shot.

His Instagram handle is: @thezeinakhoury

Farhana Bodi

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Farhana’s portfolio includes private jets, luxury cars, and many travel trappings.

His Instagram handle is: @farhanabodi

Safa Siddiqui

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Boats, skies, red carpets. Safa’s Insta is full of luxury.

His Instagram handle is: @safa_dubai

Chris Muhani

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Kris and wife Brianna have always loved the couple’s Insta photo. Goal tbh.

His Instagram handle is: @krisfade

Brianna Muhani

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In her bio, Brianna describes herself as an “LA Girl in Dubai 🇲🇽🇺🇸.” Well, it can’t be otherwise.

His Instagram handle is: @briannafade

Lojain Omran

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Two words for Lojain’s Insta: very pink.

His Instagram handle is: @lojain_omran

Good DJ

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DJ Bliss’s Instagram includes (you guessed it) tons of photos of herself DJing.

His Instagram handle is: @djblissdubai

Ebraheem Al Samadi

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Ebraheem is the CEO and founder of Forever Rose Cafés in UAE and London, and his Insta is full of a mix of work and fun.

His Instagram handle is: @thebloomingman

Dubai Bling is streaming on Netflix now.


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