Entrepreneur and columnist Vaibhav Malu says, “Writing should be aimed at bringing about positive change in society. | Tech Reddy
He says that anyone can be a writer, but those whose content brings massive change in society can be called influential.
It’s one thing to have a broad vision of achieving big names, recognition and success, but it’s a different thing to have the courage, tenacity, passion, positive mental toughness and attitude to learn something new every day to turn those dreams into reality. All in all very few people belong to the latter category but those who do make sure to surrender to their dreams and chase them until they achieve them one by one. Working for people, especially Gen-Z, is essential to pose as an inspirational story for many other budding professionals across the world’s industries, says Vaibhav Malu, who remains a much-talked-about business. Image over the years.
Vaibhav Malu, Managing Director of Enso Group of Various Enterprises based in Mumbai, India, under which he runs several successful businesses, is also a columnist by passion. He loves to read new, exciting and valuable pieces and also writes such pieces to enlighten others. However, he speaks his mind when it comes to many other aspiring columnists, who want to stand out from the rest, explaining to them that in order to stand out from the rest, a columnist must put in extra effort to develop a unique writing style. , something that can hook readers from the word go.
Vaibhav Malu also says that writers must pick topics that, after reading, can increase people’s knowledge in one way or another, just as he does in his articles and writing pieces for various leading media outlets like his columns in BW Businessworld. , and writing about topics like how to increase ease of doing business? Tax Avoidance: A No, India 2.0 A System Upgrade, Are Family-run and Diversified Businesses Going to Thrive?, Quality FinTech India Is Still Unexperienced, The Future of Energy, For a Brighter Life, Healthcare and Post-Pandemic India: Trials and Tribulations, And many such incredible pieces and articles, where he talks about business, economic and policy reforms in India.
Vaibhav Malu tells all those starting out or aiming to become a household name, “Writing should aim to bring about a positive change in society, and those who do so can become influential people themselves. Also, one should never forget the famous saying, ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’
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