Currys Black Friday Sale Begins! 4K TVs, phones and Dyson prices are reduced | Tech Reddy

Currys Black Friday Sale Begins!  4K TVs, phones and Dyson prices are reduced

 | Tech Reddy


It’s November and that means one thing for the annual shopping calendar. Well, Black Friday is just a few weeks away and there will be mega bargains to be had. Although the official date of Black Friday is not yet on November 24, many retailers start their sales early and in 2022 Currys is one of the first to reveal more money-saving discounts.

Want to know more about all the upcoming deals? Check out our complete Black Friday 2022 guide with first deals, top tips and how to spot a sale.

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday was started in the United States as a way for retailers to drive extra sales before the holidays. The one-day sales event will see millions of people queuing outside high street stores to secure the best Black Friday deals, known as “doors”. Held on the first Friday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday is no longer confined to the United States – it has become a global phenomenon.

When is Black Friday in 2022?

Black Friday will be held on November 25, 2022.

Black Friday falls on a different day each year, because it usually falls on the first Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States.

With Black Friday scheduled for Friday, November 25, you can expect Cyber ​​Monday sales to begin on November 28, 2022.


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