Electric Two Wheeler: Ola, TVS, and gain Ather by Hero, Okinawa loss. What changes the power distribution of two wheels? | Tech Reddy


Image courtesy of Ather, Ola and TVS


Changes in FAME II incentives and domestic norms, new safety regulations, and the introduction of new products to the competition, have caught major and minor players off guard. The message is loud and clear: design a low-cost vehicle, invest in R&D and in-house technology development, focus on localization, and keep customer preferences and pricing in mind.

“India can lead the global EV market… Confidence in Ola founder and CEO Bhavish Aggarwal’s voice was unmistakable during a media interaction late last month. And understandably so. After the initial disruption caused by the incident of its electric scooters catching fire, Ola Electric has emerged as the clear market leader in the last two months. The company, which started shipping in


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