After smartphones, demand for 5G tablets is gaining momentum in India. According to a new CyberMedia Research (CMR) report released on Monday, 5G tablet shipments grew 61% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) in the three months ending in September. In comparison, the overall tablet market grew 22% QoQ, while the 4G tablet market grew 9% QoQ.
“Shipments of 5G tablets increased in Q3 2022. This is due to the 5G auctions and the beginning of the 5G era. The growth of 5G tablets is in line with trends seen in the 5G smartphone market,” said Menka Kumari of CMR’s analyst-industry intelligence group.
The report further shows that WiFi-only tablets are still very popular as their shipments grew by 41% QoQ. The premium segment (above Rs 20,000) grew 44% QoQ in the September quarter.
In terms of market share, Samsung led the way with 28% of total tablet shipments, while QuQ grew by 83%. Samsung Tab A8 (Wi-Fi + 4G) and Tab A7 Lite (Wi-Fi + 4G) were the main drivers of the growth of the South Korean company. Lenovo was the second leading tablet vendor in India with a market share of 26%. According to CMR, it grew 21% QoQ on the back of trading business and retail sales.
With 19% market share, Apple was the third leading tablet brand in India. iPad shipments with iPad Air 2022 (Wi-Fi) grew 26% QoQ, accounting for 57% of total iPad shipments for the US company.
Further, CMR analysts noted that in 2022, the annual shipment of tablets will grow by 10-15%. The recently concluded holiday season sales and enterprise demand for devices to support hybrid work are among the key drivers of tablet market growth during the year.
Future demand is expected to be driven by 5G tablets. CMR’s Kumari noted that the coming 5G-enabled tablets will highlight the growth of the tablet market, especially in the education, healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing industries.