5 Tips to help increase your Instagram presence this holiday season | Tech Reddy
Looking to build your Instagram trail for a holiday push?
While TikTok has stolen some of its thunder, and there is a level of confusion surrounding Instagram’s general push to include more video content in people’s feeds, it remains a very popular app, and can be be a good platform for community building and increase outreach. , when used in the right way.
But you can’t get into Instagram without a plan. You need to know what works in your niche, what people are looking for in the app, and how to lean on the latest algorithmic changes to increase your brand demand.
If you’re looking to refine your IG approach, here are some tips to help get your IG presence on the right track.
Complete Your Full Profile
This seems like a no-brainer – of course you’ve already done this. But Instagram, like all social media applications, is changing and releasing updates, and in that, you may have missed or forgotten something that is very important in how to share. content and display search results.
You really need to switch to Instagram Business Account fill in all the information related to your business.

Once you have an IG business account, you can manage ads, access analytics, be featured in the appropriate viewing areas within the app, etc.
Instagram too provides three additional instructions for those filling out their business information:
- Use emojis and hashtags to emphasize keywords
- Include a link to your website or online store
- Choose a simple and clear image
For more information on starting with an IG business account, you can check it out Instagram resources and guidesyou can also access a free Instagram business plan, customized and aligned with your business goals.
Collect key words
Once you have all the information down, and you have prepared your message, you need to think about what are the main trends in your niche, to help guide your message and hashtag direction.
There are two main research tools here Google Keyword Planner and Instagram too.
Keyword Map allows you to search for keywords based on Google Search terms. So, for example, let’s say we’re looking to buy basketball shoes, you can enter ‘soccer shoes’ as a search term and get a whole list of related searches, which you can sort by popularity, competition, interest etc.

In this example, I’ve removed all brand searches to get a clearer idea of the general trends for content ideas.
As you can see, there are some great ideas, including ‘best basketball shoes’, ‘league basketball shoes’ (ie what NBA players wear), and ‘best basketball shoes for jumping’ ‘.
By doing this, you can start thinking about some content tips, like, for example, creating your own video reviews of new sneakers, lists of the most popular shoes worn by NBA stars, overviews based on the program (running, jumping. ) and more.
Another tool to consider here Google Trendsand check with the latest trends, to see if there is something right for your brand.

Most of these won’t be relevant, but they may, or may not, be specific pointers or angles for your posts, which will help inform your project approach.
Regularly checking the Keyword Map and Google Trends will help you stay up-to-date and ensure that you are providing relevant content to what customers are looking for. people.
And it leads to Instagram exclusive.
Using the topics you found in the Keyword Map, you can enter the most relevant keywords on IG to get the most search volume.

Instagram now, helpfully, includes a list of the number of posts that have used a hashtag, good for digging into the main trends for a topic, the additional list of related tags will be more the context.
It’s also important to check what types of posts are coming up for each hashtag search. I have done research many times and found that the hashtags used by businesses are not used by users. Many businesses in Canberra, Australia, for example, often use the abbreviated hashtag #CBR, which carries motorcycle information.
It’s important to take some time to check and make sure your hashtags are being used, and they’re being used in the way you expect.
Through this integrated research, you will get a list of the main topics and hashtags to build your IG strategy around, and ensure that you are using the right hashtags to increase the reach, and provide new information about your target. audience.
Posting Good Practices
The next step is to start posting and build your presence in the app.
This is the most difficult word – you may not see a lot of responses right away, but you need to have that base of ads to make people aware of your presence – that is, you want content to be found by people when they touch your profile. .
For creating your presence, Instagram offers these three guidelines:

A very special advertising tip here is to develop a look that stays consistent across your ads, in terms of colors used, settings, additions, emojis etc.
Determine what you want your brand to look like on Instagram, and the app will help you create a unique and recognizable brand.
For product photos, you should look to get a low-profile, of sorts, so you can take photos on a solid background with the right lighting and location. It doesn’t have to be expensive – check it out these tips from Canva.
You can also consider photo/text ads to enhance interest, and ask your audience questions to increase engagement. The key to effective social media advertising is persuasive engagement, and you do this by evoking an emotional response with your posts.
What are their major pain points? What are the new trends and how do they affect your brand? What are people saying on forum sites like Reddit and Quora about your business? Gathering notes on these elements will help you demonstrate your industry knowledge and increase engagement, by aligning with the key questions your audience has.
The others main post notes remember:
- Instagram is trying to recommend content that matches the accounts that people choose to follow, so it’s best to conduct research on other brands in your industry, especially the ones you like. and to IG, which offers, to make it better. align with specific elements and you can see your content targeted at your customers
- ‘Frequency’ is important in Instagram’s algorithmic approach, which means you have to keep posting to make sure you’re increasing your chances for this campaign.
‘From time to time’ in this context is not specific, but you should aim to post a few times a week at first, to build and gauge audience response.
As for when to post, say data from Sprout SocialThe current best times to post on IG are Monday at 11am, Tuesday and Wednesday between 10am and 2pm, and Thursday and Friday between 10am and 12pm.

As you can see in the chart above, Sunday, according to Sprout, is the worst day to submit to the app. But this is all relative, and there is no ‘best time’ in the world, it all depends on your audience and their behavior in the app.
These insights may help provide some direction in your work, but you need to experiment, measure and rotate to find what works best for your posting style.
Use Instagram Videos
Whether you like it or not, Instagram itself calls Reels ‘the future of video storytelling on Instagram’, so it’s worth checking out Reels to make sure it’s celebrating. You have access to the app.
Because Instagram wants more people to watch their Videos, therefore, they will show them more everywhere possible in the app.
Being trendy means keeping up with trends and genres, so do your research to make sure you’re on the cutting edge. But you can cheat a little – Instagram can help you use a popular movie as an exampleThis means you can copy the style and format of any popular video you find.

This can take a little of the creative pressure off, and you can do it too convert still images into video assetsor use the various effects tools in the app to liven up your Reels post.
As for specific creative content, Instagram says it’s for businesses to highlight their brand within the first few seconds of their clip reels.
Also note the ‘safe zone‘ while recording – ie where your video won’t interfere with UI elements.

There are many ways to use video to promote your business, and it’s worth thinking about how you can incorporate video into your plan, depending on the nature of your content collection. .
Also note that videos up to 60 seconds long will now work play it all in IG stories not divided into 15-second parts.
Developer Partnership
The last key idea for IG is the partnership of the creator, and getting the relevant creators, who are popular in the app, to help promote your brand.
There are no known rules for how to do this, but you can use Instagram’s Creators Market to find the right creative partners by topic, location, audience reach, and others. here)

You can also search for relevant producers by using targeted hashtags or by searching for topics in Browse.
Once you find the right manufacturers you want to partner with, you can reach out to them, either through the Manufacturer Marketplace or directly, and request a link, just send them a free sample to them, to make the first connection.
Getting the right developers to talk about your product can have a huge impact and should be considered as a way to grow your audience and increase brand awareness within the app.
You might consider partnering with local businesses to do cross-promotion.
As with all social platforms, building a presence on Instagram takes time and you need to test, measure and cycle through every step to maximize your opportunities. Hopefully, these tips will help get you on the right track to improving your IG performance this holiday season and beyond.
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