WSB-TV’s Jovita Moore inducted into Atlanta Press-95.5 WSB Community Hall of Fame | Tech Reddy


(ATLANTA, Ga.) — Thursday night was a special night for all of us here WSB.

Our late friend and colleague Jovita Moore was posthumously inducted into the Atlanta Press Club Hall of Fame. Jovita’s family, including her mother and children were there at the hall of fame dinner.

The dinner recognizes journalists who have made a significant impact on journalism in Georgia and across the country.

Inductees include: Lorenzo “Lo” Jelks, Mary Louise Kelly, Jovita Moore (posthumous), Russ Spencer and Dick and Rebecca Chase Williams (posthumous).

The induction ceremony was held at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center.

Moore died in October 2021 of brain cancer. He was sitting with her Channel 2 Action News since 1998.

Last month, officials and Channel 2 Action News and Cox Media Group renamed the WSB-TV news studio the Jovita Moore Memorial News Studio.

In addition to renaming the media studio, Cox Media Group has also established a memorial scholarship and internship fund in Moore’s honor.

CMG is supporting the scholarship with a $25,000 investment to support three students who are passionate about the field of journalism and plan to expand Moore’s legacy. CLICK HERE to learn more about the scholarship.


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