This NGO Is Buying Fake Followers for Bad Accounts on Instagram to Fight Bad News | Tech Reddy


Online defamation is a challenge on all online platforms. Bullying, harassment and bullying are encouraged youth into ballrooms inciting mental and physical violence and hatred. Instagram, however, has long been able to go under the radar. It has 1 billion monthly active users and the majority of young users are between 18 and 24 years old (30%), more than Facebook and YouTube.

Call on Instagram to stop the growth of hate speech online

To solve the problem, NVPF takes a different approach. The NGO found it at that time Instagram doesn’t automatically ban accounts that spread bad news, the algorithm penalizes accounts that sell fake followers.

In its latest campaign, NVPF is selling fake followers to malicious accounts, and The goal is to trigger the anti-shadow algorithm and eventually close these accounts. By doing this, NVPF wants to draw attention from the public, regulators, and more importantly, call Instagram to take action to stop the growth of hate speech on the Internet. On the subject, NVPF has sent an open letter to Instagram.

“What we’re doing is kind of serious, but we need to raise awareness for this important reason. We are seeing an alarming trend in social media, especially among young people. We really hope that Instagram will agree and respond in a responsible way as we call for concrete self-regulation measures,” said Rolf Skjöldebrand, the founder of the Non-Harassment Project.

The concept was developed by NORD DDB. The project is still ongoing and people can donate to buy it fake followers to harm the accounts on the promotion site. To capture the attention of Instagram, NVPF also posted an outdoor billboard with an open letter outside Meta’s office in Menlo Park, USA.


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