The ‘pav’ lights up kids’ faces by day and crashes Instagram by night | Tech Reddy


It’s celebrating the imagination of children and enlightening Instagram.

It is affectionately called ‘the pav’ and is said to be a happy chess board, Santa’s kaleidoscope and the rainbow Parthenon.

Located next to the famous Postmaster’s house that has been celebrated 110 times, it is at the heart of the carpet made from patterned carpet stones by Tessa Harris (Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki) and her team of weavers. this temporary collapse changes generations and invites all Aucklanders to come back to the city this festive season.

Co-designed by award-winning architects Angus Muir, Matt Liggins, and Auckland Council’s Head of City Activation Barbara Holloway, the pavilion is also a temporary space for Christmas inside The Committee.

Free music and shows fill the square at lunchtimes and evenings, counting down to Christmas like a visitation calendar.

Bring the kids and see their eyes fill with wonder as the power-defying walkers, the spinners send presents into the sky, and the Christmas elves arrive early from The North, surprised and happy friendly monsters covered by the crowd.

Barbara Holloway, Architect of the Pavilion, said: “We are fortunate to have such talented artists working together to create this pavilion. Public art installations like this are important to our city’s new vitality and sense of celebration. Art never fails to lift the spirits no matter how challenging the years.”

Cross Queen Street

Let the pub bring back the child in you, head up the street and see our new Queen Street design – Mayoral Drive to Shortland Street – all dressed up for its first Christmas.

Don’t miss our new way to Waihorotiu, trees twinkling with festive lights, native plants telling stories, shops brimming with Christmas cheer and people dancing on the wide sidewalks on City Saturdays. Read more here.

Cross over to the West Sidewalk (crosswalks are now shorter because Queen Street lanes have been reduced from four to two) and marvel at over 100 marionette puppets tells the story of ‘The Chaos before Christmas’ in the windows of fame. Smith & Caughey’s store.

LEGO New Zealand, in partnership with Auckland Live, Heart of the City and Auckland Council, is preparing to bring more magic to Aotea Square.

Inspired by Kiwi children across the country, on Saturday 10 December families will see giant LEGO builds, community displays and food trucks, marking the southern end of this festive event. the city. Read more here.

Auckland Council and the City Council, together with their partners in the city, are proud to bring the magic of Christmas to the city centre, right up until Christmas Eve, supported by a targeted rate in the city.

The series of free performances can be found at kiosks in Te Komititanga Square and at This list is subject to weather.


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