The National Dog Show is the Best Thanksgiving Tradition on Television | Tech Reddy


Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to watch TV. The whole family is gathered in and around the kitchen, many dishes are being prepared, and everyone wants to keep any important conversation at the dinner table. Or maybe you put off talking to relatives who don’t want to. Whatever the case, television is here to the rescue. And the best choice of show is clear: I National Dog Show.

The variety of options for Thanksgiving TV is limited. The most popular is soccer, with three professional sports a day filling the hours. There is also usually a college game as well. But even though watching football on Thanksgiving is an American tradition, if you happen to be not very interested in the games (or the teams playing), it gets boring quickly.

There is also the abominable Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. To be honest, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade sucks. Too bad for television and especially in person. The singers all pursed their lips, and most of them seemed to be suffering from a cold. You spend all your time just wanting to see Snoopy’s balloon, and once he’s gone there’s no reason to care. The best parts are when there’s a technical malfunction and you get an out-of-body experience as you notice how the whole event is strung together. Yes, it’s an American tradition, but it’s also bad TV.

Fortunately, when the parade is over we are greeted with the best Thanksgiving program: i National Dog Show. Produced by the American Kennel Club, the National Dog Show it’s pure holiday fun wrapped up in two short hours. Airing on NBC since 2002, it’s now the 20th anniversary of the show that saved Thanksgiving TV.

One thing that determines the National Dog Show with the exception of other dog shows it is a common method. It doesn’t have Westminster Dog Show status, so it looks like people and dogs are having fun! Especially since the show is open to anyone with a dog of the right type to enter. There are normal dogs with normal owners. And yes, those dogs often don’t end up winning, but it’s very exciting to see the convention center filled with 52 different golds.

Having amaetur dogs in the competition also means that some of the dogs are not… This leads to the best moment of the show, when the excited dog starts to jump and play during his walk, missing the opportunity of the chase game. You know they won’t win anymore, but the dog seems to be very happy. It’s enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face, the best possible reaction to a Thanksgiving TV show.

I National Dog Show The hosts are perfectly suited to the occasion as well, helping to maintain a happy and casual atmosphere throughout. Actor and TV host John O’Hurley was joined by American Kennel Club Judge David Frei. Frei is able to show real knowledge about the dogs on display, while O’Hurley loves how cute they are. The two have developed a good relationship with each other. Their conversations and watching performances make it clear that they are happy to be there (we remind you The Nintendogs contest announcers Archie and Ted). It’s easy for dog shows to be silly and gimmicky, but O’Hurley and Frei make the show entertain viewers first without losing the heart of it all: the dogs.

So let’s talk about dogs. Obviously, they are adorable. But Thanksgiving TV is a social experience first, and nothing brings people together like watching a bunch of dogs. Your mom shows you which ones she wants to have. Your aunt points out which ones have stupid hair (they always make very dirty poodles). Every year you are reminded of a breed of dog you have never heard of.

But suddenly, watching the show appears. Everyone starts telling stories about the adorable Golden Retriever who lived by their side growing up. You start talking about your family and dog and how they will act during the show. He guesses that someone is even a dog show judge. I National Dog Show It quickly becomes a flurry of discussions about the safest conversation piece possible: dogs.

I National Dog Show it also promotes fair competition. People find things they love and root for them to the end. He hopes that the Pekingese will go far; he always looks silly with his shaggy hair cut as he walks like a living Swiffer duster. He starts making grudges against other dogs, wishes for the fall of the noble Scottish Deerhound and hopes that the underdog – a humble labrador retriever – can make it to the final selection.

From the National Dog Show it’s pre-recorded and edited in two hours, which means we only watch the best. The show never slows down, there’s always another dog ready to take the stage. The best thing about Thanksgiving is that it can be easy to get in and out of without entering at a “bad time.” If you come out of the kitchen to take a break, there will at least be an adorable dog on the screen.

Thanksgiving TV doesn’t have to be a surprise. But of the few options available, i National Dog Show you are completely unhappy. It’s good, it’s fun, and it will ensure that no one in the family will start talking about politics or when you get married. The problems only start when those two hours are over… and I think the ball is working then. Don’t make me watch reruns of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Please.

I National Dog Show airs Thursday, November 24th from 12-2 pm ET on NBC. The encore airs on November 26 at 8 pm ET

Leila Jordan is an author and former jigsaw puzzle world record holder. Talking about all things movies, TV, and useless trivia you can find him @galaxyleila

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