The MAFS UK cast of 2022 have selected their Instagram followers | Tech Reddy
Almost 300k followers
There’s no show like the drama behind the 2022 season of Weddings on Primetime UK, and much of that drama comes from following the MAFS icon on Instagram. Nary a day goes by without a kick, a shout or a show on the Instagram stories of a MAFS UK fan – so their fans are shooting by the crowd. But who is the greatest?
Well, I’ve checked and combed you all to your satisfaction. Here are all the MAFS UK teams of 2022, as selected by many Instagram followers who have them now that the season is over!
20. Richie (24.6k)
I mean… Yeah, yeah.
19. Lara (34.4k)
I know she hasn’t been on the show that long, but seeing Lara’s fans as less than a round-headed shepherd and someone who said her wife has horse legs is a tough pill to swallow. Right for Lara!
18. Jesse (50.8k)
Pjay has more fans than Jess in the end which is the kind of small win I can get behind.
17. John (55.5k)
When you talk like Johnathan does, you don’t get every disciple.
16. Pjay (59.6k)
15. Whitney (74.6k)
It’s surprising how long Whitney has been on the show but she’s still a regular at the bottom of Instagram followers since MAFS UK 2022.
14. Kwame (79.2k)
Kwame’s father? 567,000,000,000 followers.
13. Jordan (89.3k)
He and Chanita will be back again watch this follower count SHOOT UP!
12. Gemma (91.5k)
Considering that it is the shortest time, this is not bad for our Stone!
11. Duke (91.8k)
I think people really love the feelings they put us through!
10. Matt (102k)
Believers are just following him to find out if he is dating Marilyse or not. This marks the first MAFS UK member to reach over 100k Instagram marks on this list, kicking off the top 10!
9. George (111k)
That’s it!
8. Zoe (111k)
How is Zoe doing with her stuffed mouse at only 8? SHOULD I ASK?
7. Jenna (113k)
Jenna celebrated 100k six days ago and is now at 13k! Queen shit I’m afraid.
6. Sophie (132k)
It’s not surprising here because, she is very beautiful.
5. April (136k)
I’m pretty sure it’s mostly April before the show? Or at least in the top three?
4. Thomas (177k)
The drama. THE DRAMA.
3. Adrian (181k)
All good things are good, be fair.
2. Chanita (187k)
1. Kasia (288k)
Not just who I expected at first, but who was worthy of Kwame’s writing alone! It’s a bit of a sign, with the entire MAFS UK cast Kasia has 101k more Instagram followers than in second place.
The follower count was correct at the time of publication.
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