Sun TV Network Ltd. which is a well-known Tamil Nadu based company with 32 TVs, an OTT platform called SunNxt and a production company called Sun Pictures. The company ended with a profit on its shares in August, 2022, when the first quarter of its financial year ie, Q1 FY23 came to an end. The company’s financial announcement later revealed that:
- South-based Sun TV’s ad revenue was higher than Zee Entertainment’s PAN-India level. This is attributed by experts to improved ad spend by regional advertisers, and improved Tamil viewership share, among other factors.
- Sun TV’s production arm ie Sun Pictures contributed to strong theatrical revenue for the company through the Vijay starrer. A beast. The Tamil film’s theatrical collection including its OTT license fee is estimated at Rs. 1.7 billion ie. 170 Cr.
A beast it opened to mixed reviews when it premiered in theaters on April 13, 2022. The film’s industry has been widely discussed for its similarities, although both producers and distributors (red films) have maintained that it was a high-grossing film in terms of finances.