Learn how to reduce arthritis-related joint pain with yoga | Tech Reddy


Experts recommend incorporating it into your daily fitness routine - and some of the most famous advocates include Malaika Arora and her trainer Sarvesh Shahi.

Experts recommend incorporating it into your daily fitness routine – and some of the most famous advocates include Malaika Arora and her trainer Sarvesh Shahi.

New Delhi: The ancient Indian practice of yoga is all about health, whether it’s for the body or the mind – from losing weight to reducing the risk of anxiety or depression, to reduce the symptoms of chronic disease and pain such as immersion syndrome. There are many poses or asanas, yoga is a cure for almost all ailments – all you need to know is the right way to do the right asanas. Experts recommend incorporating it into your daily fitness routine – and some of the most famous advocates include Malaika Arora and her trainer Sarvesh Shahi. For people who suffer from arthritis, recently, a famous trainer released a Reel video on Instagram talking about three good features that focus on a muscle group to strengthen the upper body, to repair back injuries, and gut health and heal old joints. pain.

Arthritis is a condition that causes swelling and inflammation of the joints that can occur in old age. Over time, the strength and swelling in the joints increases and yoga is one of the best and most popular treatments for the condition. In a recent Instagram post, Sarvesh Shahi, who trains Bollywood celebrities like Malaika Arora, talked about the many ways yoga can be beneficial for cancer patients.

“Do joints hurt? According to Harvard yoga can help with joint pain. Save this reel and make sure to do these three simple asanas. To lose weight, improve your fitness level, reduce stress and more, start yoga,” he wrote in the post.

Along with the video, he shared three good yoga asanas that reduce joint pain and relieve other cancer symptoms. These are:
  1. Triangle Position
  2. Bridge Position
  3. Champion II Pose

What are the health benefits of Sarvesh Shahi’s arthritis yoga method?

The yoga practice presented by Sarvesh Shahi has many health benefits to offer. These are:

  1. Stretching and strengthening the back
  2. Improved stability
  3. Opening the hips and shoulders
  4. Increasing blood circulation
  5. Stimulation of the abdominal organs
  6. Stretches the back, chest and hips
  7. Developing stability and balance

Disclaimer: The advice and opinions expressed in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be considered professional medical advice. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting a fitness program or changing your diet.


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