Kids benefit as Texas grandmother, Instagram influencer reveals her ‘game’ for bed – how God gets involved | Tech Reddy
“Do you want to play a game?”
The last thing Lisa Fletcher did was put her two daughters to bed one night 27 years ago. And it worked.
“I just told them what I wanted for them that day, and they went to bed crying from ear to ear, and I was shocked,” said Fletcher of Dallas, Texas. , told Fox News Digital.
A simple idea from the book “The Blessing” by John Trent and Gary Smalley.
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Now Fletcher is sharing that “game” with the world he’s in more book.
Her first children’s book, “Why I Love You,” is available in limited edition Wednesday from Good & True Media. The Christian publishing house is planning a general release for early 2023.

Lisa Fletcher (right) with a picture of her children as they grow up. Her goal is to always focus on her children’s personality — “not their behavior,” she told Fox News Digital.
(Lisa Fletcher)
The book is a photo walk through the world events of the Fletcher family’s past.
“The football team in the book is a real photo the illustrator made for my son who won the championship,” he said.
Although his team became the state football champion, Fletcher says the that is his son won as the best.
After every game, he said loudly, his son shook every coach’s hand. That’s what matters to him.

Lisa Fletcher’s new children’s book is ‘What I Love About You,” from Good & True Media ( on November 30, 2022.
(Good & Honest Media)
“I tried to show people the importance of focusing on how our children look, not on their behavior,” she said.
He wanted to re-enter the chaos – like when his son Robert stabbed his fridge with a T-ball. That period is also shown in the book.
“No matter what our kids look like all day, we always love their personalities. There are so many things we love about them,” she said.

On the left, Rob Fletcher’s championship season as a football player (with him holding the trophy) — on the right, a photographic representation of that event in a new children’s book by Lisa Fletcher.
(Lisa Fletcher/Good & True Media)
Fletcher and her husband currently live in Dallas, but are California natives. Like many others, his family decided to leave the Golden State years ago.
He is an Instagram developer of his daughter Daryl-Ann Denner, who has 1.1 million followers.
Fletcher is a star in her own right, though, as she’s pushing 200K followers and has been dubbed “America’s Mom” by her “readers.” He appears in his daughter Daryl-Ann’s posts regularly.
“I just told them what I wanted for them that day, and they went to bed crying from ear to ear, I was amazed.”
Fletcher answers prayer requests – and he really means it.
“What I love about Instagram is the opportunity to pray for people,” he said. “If I say to someone, ‘I will pray for you,’ I will do it.”

In this family photo, young Robert, Katie, Danielle and Daryl-Ann Fletcher are shown years ago on their mom’s favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day.
(Lisa Fletcher)
Lisa Fletcher’s main job is being a mother of five children.
She has four biological children — Daryl-Ann, Danielle, Katie, Robert — and Kaylee as well. The Fletcher family adopted Kaylee when she was 14 years old.
Kaylee needed a home after her father took his own life. The first night Kaylee stayed with the Fletchers, they played a bedtime game — of course.
Fletcher is now a grandmother and has four grandchildren. He’s living the “life he always prayed for,” he told Fox News Digital.
“All I wanted was a family that I could create, which was great,” he said.

Lisa Fletcher and her four grandchildren. She said she’s living the “life she’s always prayed for,” she told Fox News Digital — and finds it “excellent.”
(Lisa Fletcher)
The importance of creating this family comes from a “lonely” childhood, he says.
His single mom worked full time and his dad was absent most of the time. Fletcher realized at the age of 40 that God was “his father all the time,” he said.
The Fletcher family has had its fair share of problems – but “God brought us here,” he explains.
One thing: Fletcher doesn’t “love” giving senior advice.
“Regardless of the situations and trials that I and my children face, I choose to look past that, but focus on their strengths. I encourage them that I love them but ignore their current behavior.”
There were also some that could not be bought.
“Regardless of the situations and trials that my children and I face, I choose to look past that and focus on their strengths.”
Fletcher said there was never a time when he was more concerned as a friend to his children than what was best for them.
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And he didn’t push. She recalled the time she spent two hours fighting with her children for school “after dark”.
“They thanked me when they were older because they knew [the] what was done.”
She said her friends and students often ask, “How can I have a good relationship with my teen?”
“Try telling them what you like about them every day,” she replied. “It’s hard to have a bad relationship with someone when you tell them every day how much you love them.”
He said he knows he did other things right – like the game. “The power of life and death is in the tongue,” said Fletcher.
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Anyone interested in more information about Fletcher’s book can visit the publisher’s website,
And from the mouths of toddlers, it turns out that Lisa Fletcher was right.
Not long ago, at dinner with her three-year-old grandson, Rhett, this precious little boy turned to her and said, “Grandma, you know what? the one i love. you today?”
(For answers to that – and Lisa Fletcher’s answer to her granddaughter – SEE THE VIDEO at the top of this article. Or click here to see.)
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