Instagram ‘is’ to download video music drill | Tech Reddy
The owner of Instagram has said that a music video should not be taken.
Meta took down the video by Chinx (OS) after being contacted by London’s Metropolitan Police, which raised concerns about gang violence.
But Meta’s independent Board of Review has determined that there is insufficient evidence to support that conclusion.
It said the case showed how “arbitrarily and opaquely” the authorities made these requests.
The Metropolitan Police says it “works closely” with social media to identify events believed to incite violence.
But the platforms insist that they “make their own decisions about content removal.”
In January of this year an Instagram account that claims to promote British music posted about a new training video called Secrets Not Safe.
Soon after, according to Meta, Scotland Yard was contacted to raise concerns about “gang violence” associated with the song.
Meta conducted its own review and concluded that the track contained a “hidden threat” linked to the 2017 shooting and was removed from Instagram.
The case was then referred to its special appeals system, the Review Board, which was established and funded by Meta. The staff are experts and lawyers, and have the opportunity to scrutinize and question the tech giant’s actions.
Are there enough police?
The board has now decided that the decision to remove the song from Instagram was wrong because the threat of violence was not true. It says the path needs to be restored.
It also says there are serious concerns about over-policing – which is popular among young black people in Britain.
Chinx (OS) told the BBC he was glad the video was being restored and didn’t know why it was taken down in the first place.
He said he “couldn’t believe” that his music would incite violence.
“I can see why people might think it’s violent but I think it’s a statement,” he said.
“I think people are taking part in a lifestyle before releasing music.
“I don’t think you put out drill music and then you get into gang stuff – I think it’s the other way around.”
The board told Meta to create a “globally consistent system” for content takedown requests from copyright groups – and pointed out that “not every piece of content that deserves to be banned by law should be taken down”. .
“That’s why it’s important that Meta independently evaluates these applications, especially when it comes to artistic performances from minorities or marginalized groups that have a high risk of cultural interference with their content. “
General concerns
As part of its investigation, the Met Board said it had made a number of requests for information to the Met Police.
It said it found the force had made 286 requests to social media and streaming companies to remove or review ads for music videos in the 12 months from June 2021, and the 255 of those had content removed.
During that time, there has not been a single request to download other types of music, the army said.
A Meta spokesperson said: “We don’t remove content because the law requires it – we do if we find something that violates our policies or local laws.
“As part of our rigorous review process, we will assess whether the application complies with internationally recognized standards of human rights, including due process, privacy, free expression and the rule of law. .”
Chief Constable Nick Blackburn, from the Metropolitan Police, defended the force’s actions:
“Our goal is to prevent threats and threats in the virtual world that cause serious harm to our communities”, he said.
“Investigators tend to focus on threats of violence and other crimes, rather than a specific type of music.”
Steven Keogh, a former detective with the Metropolitan Police, told the BBC that in his experience of investigating gang-related murders in London “not all passes” are “connected” to the streets. digging.
“The police are not going to get rid of all rock music, it’s not a war against rock music,” he said.
“They have a special understanding of the videos that they think might cause problems.”
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