I didn’t expect to see deals on Apple’s new M2 iPad Pro so quickly | Tech Reddy

I didn’t expect to see deals on Apple’s new M2 iPad Pro so quickly

 | Tech Reddy


There is no doubt that Apple’s latest iPad Pro is a beast of a tablet. Packing the tech giant’s own M2 chip, excellent battery life and a stunning screen can put many laptops to shame. The only downside is the price. But the good news is that we’ve spotted the first M2 iPad Pro deals – yay!

The 2022 M2 iPad Pros were only released last month, so we weren’t expecting to see any discounts this side of the New Year, but Amazon’s got $100 off the M2 iPad Pro 12.9 — right now $1,199 $1,099 (opens in new tab) With 256GB of storage.


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