How to follow your activity on Instagram? | Tech Reddy

How to follow your activity on Instagram?

 | Tech Reddy


Instagram is one of the most used applications worldwide. In India too, Instagram has a huge user base, crossing the 400 million mark by August 2022, according to reports.

Since so many people use Instagram, the instant photo sharing application by Meta has become one of the most used phishing tools in recent days.

Over time, Instagram has worked to improve its logging methods so that it does not hide from followers. Instagram now allows users to enable verification steps and security checks for login operations.

Instagram Login Activity Tracker helps users to monitor and track all the login activity on your Instagram account. It also displays maps and device names to provide login information.

Check your account login status with these simple steps:

Profile options on Instagram.

Profile options on Instagram. | Photo Credits:-

Log in to your account and land on the home page and click on your logo in the bottom corner. Click on the three lines in the top corner and pull up some options.

Settings options on Instagram.

Settings options on Instagram. | Photo Credits:-

In the options, click on Settings and touch on Security.

Logging in.

Logging in. | Photo Credits:-

From the drop-down options, select Login Action.

Login Work preview page

Login Work preview page | Photo Credits:-

If you click on Login, you will be prompted with ‘Is this you?’. Here you will also find a list of sites under ‘Where you’re logged in’.

Option to uninstall the device from any location.

Option to uninstall the device from any location. | Photo Credits:-

If one of the sites listed does not match your login, you can log out of your device by typing the three dots next to the site name.


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