Fight Inflation The Grinch: Donate for a Brighter Christmas | Tech Reddy
One of the things the tablet is blessed to do every year is the Bright Christmas Fund. Fall is the time to get down to business and start planning. Time flies and this week marks the start of the 2022 campaign.
The history of the fund goes back decades. In the 1960s, then-editor Don Circle saw the struggle many families faced, and a bright Christmas background was born.
Almost 60 years later, although we are happy to report that the need has decreased, it has not.
Families continue to fight in 2022. Society is trying to recover from the pandemic, but its effects are long-lasting. While COVID cases remain low and the labor market is slowly recovering, record inflation is now eating away at earnings.
Rising costs of essentials such as housing, food and energy are the biggest contributors. Prices in October show a contrast compared to the same period last year: food is 12.4% more expensive, energy is 17.6% more expensive, and health insurance is 20.6% more expensive.
Mothers and fathers are asking for relief in order to put food on the table and take care of their children. Often, their children receive a warm coat, shoes or a small toy for Christmas.
For sixty years, Tablet readers have opened their hearts and wallets to meet this need. Some readers send a few dollars, while others contribute much more. The most important thing is that we have readers who are happy to contribute whatever they can. It all adds up!
Last year we heard from many churches and ministries that received money. They were very grateful for the support they received for their Christmas program. You may remember reading their thank you letters posted on the Readers Forum.
For example, Vanessa Garcia, of St. Michael-St. According to Malachi Church, a bright Christmas has made a world of difference in the lives of families in her church.
“We were able to buy gifts for the kids and have family dinners and shows during the Christmas season,” Garcia said.
The fund is not limited to giving gifts to children. In 2021, a portion of readers’ donations went to Brooklyn Community Services and the St. Francis Food Pantry and Shelter.
When donors choose to give to the Shining Christmas Fund, they get a great deal because 100% of the money raised goes to churches and Catholic ministries in our community.
If you are a long-time donor, The Tablet staff would appreciate your support. If you haven’t already contributed, please remember us as Advent approaches.
Our goal this year is to collect $125,000.
Keep reading Tablet to find out how the campaign is progressing, and learn about the amazing things happening in Brooklyn and Queens thanks to your generosity.
May the light of Jesus shine upon you this Christmas season.
Click here for more information on the campaign and donations.
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