ERA Coalition, Ogilvy launch WOMAN Corp to secure rights for at least one woman | Tech Reddy


In the year 2022, women would like to believe that they are equal to men when it comes to constitutional rights. In theory, at least. However, in practice, women know that this is not the case. Even more strangely, governments put corporations above women, offering the former more protection than the latter.

So how do you deal with this situation? Would it help if women became corporations? Will our overlords finally give women the rights they deserve? Ogilvy and ERA Coalition want to know.

To address this hitherto unknown fact, they took a revolutionary step to create WOMAN Corp, the first and only woman in America with government-guaranteed protection.

To debut WOMAN Corp, ERA connected with Gabriella Pizzolo, best known for her role in Netflix’s Stranger Things to launch the new corporation. He headlines the satirical commercial for WOMAN Corp, in which he hilariously explains how he plans to crack down on elusive constitutional rights. The video will be shared on digital and social platforms.

The film shows Pizzolo interviewing a “legal studio” who says gas stations, wax chains and even “truck nuts” have more rights than a woman. Even precious Dolly Parton doesn’t stand a chance against these powerful corporations.

For some context, in June 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe Vs Wade, which ensured that abortion is a federal right to be accessed by women in the United States. With oveturning, the US government outlawed abortion – a decision that not only deprives women of their autonomy over their bodies, but also puts them at risk of pregnancy-related mortality.

The ad was created by Ogilvy with support from BCW and GroupM. The campaign is backed by an elite board of directors including MP Carolyn Maloney, attorney Benjamin Crump, author Ilyasah Shabazz and Ogilvy Global CEO Devika Bulchandani, among others.

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