Elderly Woman Dragged By Tiger At China Zoo Leaves Instagram After Disturbing Her | Tech Reddy
Last Update: November 02, 2022, 12:57 IST

The video was posted on Instagram.
An old woman in China was eaten alive by a tiger after trying to save a young woman.
An old woman was eaten alive by a tiger after she tried to save a small woman from the claws of another big cat. The video was posted on Instagram where a woman was talking to a man who was near the door of her car when a tiger attacked her and dragged her away. A man and an older woman ran to save him.
People in the news section were horrified by the incident and some of them reported that the video was older and a woman died.
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Metro reported the incident in October 2016. According to the report, the incident started with a dispute between a man in the parking lot and a girl. After the girl was dragged away, her mother and husband were seen running to save her. Leaving the camera, the younger brother survived, however, the second tiger attacked the old woman, killing her.
The family of the dead woman, identified only as Zhao, sued the zoo for £250,000 (HK$2.3 million), which the father refused. Signs at Badaling Wildlife Park warn visitors not to leave their vehicles.
In another incident, a zookeeper at the same park died in 2014 after being bitten by a Bengal tiger.
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