Crypto firm FlipPay has upgraded user fund security with Liminal | Tech Reddy

Crypto firm FlipPay has upgraded user fund security with Liminal

 | Tech Reddy


India’s fastest growing crypto exchange, Flitpay has joined hands with digital wallet infrastructure provider, Liminals to upgrade the security of its user funds. The collaboration aims to improve Flitpay’s security and custody capabilities with reliable EVM-based withdrawals and Liminals’ automated hot wallet refills.

This groundbreaking partnership will protect FlipPay customers’ funds from a plethora of emerging crypto-specific risks and provide seamless access to their digital assets at any time. With customizable infrastructure and Liminals’ highly secure multi-signature cold storage solution, Flitpay will strengthen its position as India’s most secure crypto exchange platform.

Their combined forces will increase the speed and accuracy of transactions on Flitpay to significantly reduce withdrawal costs for users.

Commenting on the move, Akash Bansal, Founder and CEO, Flitpay said, “Customer experience is our priority, and the integration with Liminal will automate 80% of the process, making it faster and safer for all Flitpay users. This will ensure customers that their funds are in safe and reliable hands”.

Ashish Sangai, who co-founded Flippay with Akash, added

“To encourage crypto adoption in India, it is also necessary to instill trust among people; Being one of the known Indian cryptocurrency exchanges, it is our duty to provide the user with the funds protection they deserve.

“Professionalization in fun security and withdrawals is inevitable for any crypto firm amid the growing trading volume of the crypto market. Flitpay and Liminals will work as a team to provide added confidence and assurance to Flitpay users,” said Mahin Gupta, founder of Liminals.

As a leading player, Flitpay this year launched the industry-first physical crypto gift card and a unique crypto staking portal. By increasing trust and credibility in the sector, Flitpay sees itself at the forefront of crypto growth and penetration in India and its neighboring countries. It plans to scale up its efforts and innovations to introduce cryptocurrency into the lives of common people


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