Celebrity chef Nusret shared the Rs 1.36 Cr bill from his UAE hotel, netizens asked Instagram about the inappropriate button. | Tech Reddy


‘Quality doesn’t come at a price’: Celebrity Chef Nusret shares Rs 1.36 Cr bill from his UAE hotel, netizens question Instagram over negative click | FPJ

Nusret Gokce, the Turkish chef of the Nusr-Et steakhouse (known by the meme of his chef Salt Bae), was criticized on social media after posting a photo of a customer’s bill at price Dirham 615,065 (approximately Rs 1,36, 84,485). Ever worried about ordering too much? The post label is another surprise that tried to justify the money saying, “Quality is not worth the price.”

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Netizens criticized the chef for the expensive bill

When the chef’s Instagram post caught the attention of Instagram users, revealing that it cost more than one crore rupees, netizens were excited to dig up the price. Despite the fact that the restaurant is one of the biggest names, the internet doesn’t have to pay that much money to cure people’s cravings. “Where’s the no-good button,” one user asked in response to the post, while another described the post as “The most stupid and cheap thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life .”

Meanwhile, some news saw people sharing their experience of eating at this UAE restaurant and trying Nusret’s delicious food. The comment read, “Quality? That’s questionable tbh. I’ve eaten at your restaurant.” Some netizens also criticized him for raising the price of food so that many poor families can meet their needs and have healthy food in one price. “How many families can you feed with how much money,” asked an internet user explaining the humanitarian crisis facing many parts of the world.

The Salt Bae Meme

If you’re not familiar with the meme from 2017, we’ve got you covered. 39-year-old Nusret Gokce has become a sensation for his unique method of seasoning meat.

Also, check out the video that inspired the meme

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