Both Facebook and Instagram outline ways to create youth profiles by default | Tech Reddy
On Monday November 21, Meta said plans are also being made to protect young people from interacting with adults who may not. Meta said youth accounts on Facebook and Instagram platforms are private by default.
“From now on, everyone under the age of 16 (or under 18 in some countries) will default to other privacy settings when they log in to Facebook. For example, we will block the adults to send messages to young people they are not connected with or not to see them. in their advice People You Know,” Meta said in a blog post.
For young people on the app, they are allowed to choose other specific settings for who can see their friends list, who can see the people, Pages, and lists they follow, who can see posts listed above. their profile, previewing the posts they’ve been tagged in before they appear on their profile and who is allowed to comment on their public posts.
Meta also said it is taking measures to prevent the spread of images of young people online, especially if the images are being used to download them. Sharing intimate photos of individuals without their consent is known to be a painful experience.
“We are working with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to create a global platform for young people who are concerned that the images they create are being shared on online platforms through disagree,” Meta was posted.
To design the platform and ensure that it meets the needs of children so that they can regain control of their possessions in these dangerous situations, Meta has collaborated with NCMEC, professionals, educators, parents, and victim advocates worldwide.
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