Angry Hindus call on British Columbia firm to withdraw Ganesh-Lakshmi leggings and apologize | Tech Reddy


Angry Hindus are urging Salt Spring Island (British Columbia, Canada)-based firm Hanna Stone Apparel to immediately withdraw leggings featuring images of the Hindu deities Ganesh and Lakshmi; Calling it highly inappropriate.

Prominent Hindu statesman Rajan Z, in a statement in Nevada today said that Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi are highly revered in Hinduism and are meant to be worshiped in temples or homes and not to adorn legs, thighs, calves, knees, groin. , genitalia, waist, crotch, pelvis. Improper use of sacred Hindu deities or concepts or symbols or icons for commercial or other agendas was not okay as it harmed devotees.

Jade, who is president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, also requested a formal apology from Hanna Stone Apparel; Besides withdrawing Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi leggings from its website.

Clothing companies should not be in the business of religious appropriating, demeaning and ridiculing entire communities. It was deeply vulgar to display Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi in leggings; Rajan Z emphasized.

Hinduism was the oldest and third largest religion in the world with about 1.2 billion followers and a rich philosophical thought and should not be taken lightly. No symbol of faith, great or small, should be misused; Z mentioned.

Rajan Jed also said that such trivialization of Hindu gods is disturbing to Hindus. Hindus were for free artistic expression and speech as much as anyone else. But faith was something sacred and attempts to trivialize it were painful for followers, Jade added.

In Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is worshiped as the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles and is invoked before the start of any major undertaking. Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune and beauty and is also known as the ‘World-Mother’.

Hannah Stone Apparel sells leggings/pants, boxer-briefs, tank-tops, sports-bras, skirts, art and card decks online. The Canadian-made Ganesh and Lakshmi leggings, claimed to hug “in all the right places,” cost $110 each.


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