Instagram: How to share reels and Avatars? | Tech Reddy


Instagram, by Meta, is one of the most popular apps used worldwide. Instagram is still getting updates every now and then.

Recently, Instagram introduced Avatars and they are now used. Meta avatars were only available in chats for use on Instagram, now they can be used to share gels on the site.

Anyone can share the reels and react to the Meta avatar. The image of the Meta avatar on Instagram can be seen added by many users who can use it.

Share the reels with Avatars

  • Open Instagram on your Android or iOS smartphone.

  • Open the reel section and go to the reel you want to share in a direct message or private chat. You can also choose to share posts.

  • Click the Share button.

  • Choose the account or person to share the video with or post to.

  • When you choose to send, an Avatar button will appear on the right next to ‘write a message’. Click on it.

  • All the Meta Avatar stickers will appear, and you can select an Avatar reaction with just a click.


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