$5.2 million for the expansion of the Mundoonan rest area | Tech Reddy


A $5.2 million expansion of the northbound rest area at Mundoonan on the Hume Highway is one of the major projects to get the green light in the latest round of the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program (HVSPP).

A total of $22.6 million was spent on nine projects, with the federal government chipping in more than $18 million of that total.

In Mundoonan, the money was spent to “investigate, design and upgrade” the existing Mundanoon rest area northbound on the Hume Highway near Jerrawa.

The project will also reconfigure the parking area to accommodate higher productivity vehicles, according to a media release sent to the industry today.

“I’m excited to announce another nine vital freight corridors will see safety and productivity improvements across Australia in the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity program,” said Senator Carol Brown, who is also the Assistant to the Minister of Transport.

“These projects will enhance access and improve the transportation of goods through local communities.

“Investment in the segments of our roads that are heavily used by heavy vehicles has never been more important, with many of our communities struggling with ongoing flooding and tightening supply chains.

“The program makes a real difference for motorists and industry by shortening transport routes and renewing aging infrastructure, and I look forward to seeing the benefits of these latest projects flow.”

For information on the HVSPP, click here.


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